Hi, my name is Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming. I am a Targeted Individual living in Singapore. The topic for this Youtube video is: Mental illnesses were invented by governments to punish people whom they don’t like. We do not know when or in which era mental illnesses were invented. We do not know which government or which group of governments invented mental illness. But we do know every government in every country all over the world gives or reward mental illness to people whom they don’t like. If you say something which your government don’t like, your government will very likely reward or award you with mental illness. Governments use mind control technology, which is a hybrid of multi-disciplinary technologies like brain implants, biocommunications engineering and satellite communications to make you hear menacing and threatening voices and also to read your mind and thoughts. Governments then cover up for all of these by saying it is mental illness so as to create a social stig...