Scientists: Arguments for the Existence of Aliens in the Universe

Postulates of The Mediocrity Principle:

(1) Planet Earth does not occupy a special place in the Universe.

(2) Human beings are not special in the Universe.

Preamble of YouTube Documentary:

"The chances that aliens exist in some form is highly probable.

I think it is entirely likely that there is intelligent life somewhere in the Universe.

Professor Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: I think it is almost a 100% chance that there are alien forms of life in the Universe other than our own.

Our Earth is just a MERE SPECK (just like how Singapore is a tiny red dot on the map of the World) in the mass of the Universe. Statistically, scientists believe that this may mean there could be millions of other civilisations like ours out there. The Earth orbits the Sun, just like seven other planets. But our Sun is not unique. It is only one of more than 100 other billion bright stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. And even the Milky Way is one of a trillion more galaxies.

Doctor David Brin, Astrophysicist and Science Fiction Author: The Universe is a very big place. And if you are talking something on the order of a trillion galaxies, each with half a trillion stars, it seems like it is a fairly silly notion to imagine that we are alone in the cosmos."

YouTube Full Documentary: World War A - When Aliens Attack
YouTube Channel: space and astronomy
Link to YouTube Video:


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