It took 121202 seconds or 33.67 hours to write zeroes to a Seagate 3 TB harddisk ST3000DM001

It took 121202 seconds or 33.67 hours to write zeroes to a Seagate 3 TB harddisk ST3000DM001

5859152097+0 records in
5859152097+0 records out
2999885873664 bytes (3.0 TB, 2.7 TiB) copied, 121157 s, 24.8 MB/s
dd: writing to '/dev/sdd': No space left on device
5860533169+0 records in
5860533168+0 records out
3000592982016 bytes (3.0 TB, 2.7 TiB) copied, 121202 s, 24.8 MB/s


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