Routine Health Screening at Toa Payoh Polyclinic 28 Nov 2020 Sat

Subject: Routine Health Screening at Toa Payoh Polyclinic 28 Nov 2020 Sat

Reviewing Doctor: Dr. Steven Chao

Alb:Crea Ratio, U


Creatinine, U 11.7 (mmol/L)

Albumin, U 8.1 (mg/L)

Alb:Crea Ratio 0.7 (mg/mmol)          0.0 - 2.5

Glucose Fasting,POCT


Glucose Fasting,POCT 5.9 (mmol/L)             3.0 - 6.0



HbA1c 6.1 (%)         4.5 - 6.4



eGFR 87 (mL/min) >60

Lipid Panel


LDL-C 3.75 (mmol/L)

Chol : HDL Ratio 5.32

Potassium 4.2 (mmol/L) 3.5 - 5.1

Sodium 140 (mmol/L) 135 - 145

Creatinine 93 (umol/L) 67 - 112

Cholesterol 5.69 (mmol/L)

Triglycerides 1.94 (mmol/L)

HDL-C 1.07 (mmol/L)

Blood Pressure




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