Can we survive without PAP?

This is a shared post. Author Tony Ng.

Can we survive without PAP?

1) Will the civil service suddenly collapse if opposition is voted in as the new government? Will there be mass resignations by all these public servants or will they be sacked by the new government? 

Obvious answer is that they will still be around and hang on to their jobs. They are essential workers whom the government relies on to get things done! 

2) Will our economy collapse if PAP is voted out? 

A flat NO! A truly free market economy will thrive under less governmental control & restrictions. Workers will be paid a fair wage based on market forces & the dependence on cheap labor ie FW will be drastically reduced. Rents will also be lowered & adjusted based on demand rather than on a monopolistic control by key landlords (PAP government). 

3) Cost of Living.

We are number one in the world. Nothing to be proud of. In fact, it is something to be ashamed of! 

A tiny island nation yet not able to rein in cost of living. The highest paid cabinet in the world but refuse to be accountable for failures and mistakes. 

If the opposition takes over, do you think they will do a worse job than this current PAP government? It will be highly unlikely anyone can do a worse job than them. I am optimistic that with capable people like Pritam Singh, Chee Soon Juan, Lim Tean etc the opposition clearly has the talent to do a better job than the PAP.

4) CPF & Retirement.

Under PAP we all see our poor seniors many of them cannot afford to retire. What happened to the Swiss standard of living Goh Chok Tong was referring to? I guess his Swiss standard was only meant for the natural aristocrats & elites like himself. Pay themselves with our tax dollars enriching themselves while talking down to us & reprimanding us that we cannot be trusted to safeguard our own savings ; we will waste our CPF retirement monies on mistresses in Batam etc. Btw, why the need to insult Batam? 

With the PAP we can say bye bye to our CPF funds but with a new government ie one that genuinely cares for Singaporeans, we can truly get back all our CPF monies and finally look into our reserves and see how much we have in there. 

I don't know about you but I choose to vote for  Opposition in 2025 for the sake of our future generation!

May God bless Singapore!

By Tony Ng


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