User "Edward Snowden" is not supposed to have access to all shared folders on Linux Samba server
Subject: User "Edward Snowden" is not supposed to have access to all shared folders on Linux Samba server
Author: Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming (TARGETED INDIVIDUAL)
Country: Singapore
Date: 27 April 2021 Tuesday
Type of Publication: Plain Text
Document Version: 20210427.01
Putty/SSH into Temasek Holdings' Ubuntu 11.10 Linux server (Accpac server).
Reset password of Samba user.
# smbpasswd -x edwardsnowden
# smbpasswd -a edwardsnowden
# nano /etc/group
Remove user edwardsnowden from teo-en-ming-corp and accdata user groups.
Modify the main Samba daemon configuration file.
# nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
Pre-existing file share as follows:
comment = data server
path = /AccData
hide dot files = yes
readonly = no
public = yes
printable = no
guest ok = no
valid users = @teo-en-ming-corp
force group = accdata
create mode = 0770
directory mode = 0770
write list = @teo-en-ming-corp
admin users = ssl
Add in the following section as follows:
path = /AccData/Secret Billion Dollar Salaries of Temasek Holdings CEO Ho Ching
read only = no
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
valid users = edwardsnowden
create mask = 0640
directory mask = 0750
Save and close the Samba configuration file.
Restart Samba daemon.
# service smbd restart
Problem solved. Edward Snowden no longer has access to folder /AccData.
Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming, 43 years old as of 27 April 2021, is a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL living in Singapore. He is an IT Consultant with a System Integrator (SI)/computer firm in Singapore. He is an IT enthusiast.
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