14:31:13.812398 IP sip.sg.didlogic.net.sip > freepbx.sangoma.local.5160: SIP: SIP/2.0 402 Balance issue. Please add funds

Subject: 14:31:13.812398 IP sip.sg.didlogic.net.sip > freepbx.sangoma.local.5160: SIP: SIP/2.0 402 Balance issue. Please add funds

Good day from Singapore, Singapore,

On 2nd May 2021 Sunday, I have migrated my Fortigate 60D firewall appliance, Huawei E3276s-920 4G LTE USB modem, Asterisk/FreePBX VoIP IP PBX SIP Server VirtualBox virtual machine and Cisco 7960 IP phone from my home to a community hostel in Singapore.

However, I keep getting the message "All circuits are busy now" when I was trying to dial out on my Cisco 7960 IP phone.

I executed the following Linux command on my FreePBX virtual appliance:

# tcpdump -i eth0 | grep -v ssh

And I got the following debug output:

14:31:13.812398 IP sip.sg.didlogic.net.sip > freepbx.sangoma.local.5160: SIP: SIP/2.0 402 Balance issue. Please add funds

It turns out that the cash balance in my DIDLogic SIP trunk provider account is running low. All I have to do is to top up the balance in my SIP account and the problem is solved! I can now receive incoming calls and make outgoing calls as well.

Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming, 43 years old as of 4th May 2021, is a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL living in Singapore. He is an IT Consultant with a System Integrator (SI)/computer firm in Singapore. He is an IT enthusiast.



[1] http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2021-May/date.html [ pending ] 


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