Exception: Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Userman'A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install userman 2) fwconsole ma enable userman in file /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php on line 216

Subject: Exception: Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Userman'A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install userman 2) fwconsole ma enable userman in file /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php on line 216

Good day from Singapore,

Today 15 June 2021 Tuesday, I encountered the following exception in FreePBX appliance. FreePBX is based on the open source Asterisk. FreePBX is a VoIP IP PBX SIP Server.

Exception: Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Userman'A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install userman 2) fwconsole ma enable userman in file /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php on line 216

Stack trace:

  1. Exception->() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:216

  2. FreePBX\Self_Helper->loadObject() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:104

  3. FreePBX\Self_Helper->autoLoad() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:37

  4. FreePBX\Self_Helper->__get() /var/www/html/admin/modules/faxpro/Faxpro.class.php:18

  5. FreePBX\modules\Faxpro->__construct() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:125

  6. FreePBX\Self_Helper->autoLoad() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:37

  7. FreePBX\Self_Helper->__get() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/FreePBX.class.php:106

  8. FreePBX->__callStatic() /var/www/html/admin/modules/faxpro/functions.inc.php:6

  9. FreePBX->Faxpro() /var/www/html/admin/modules/faxpro/functions.inc.php:6

 10. require_once() /var/www/html/admin/bootstrap.php:369

 11. require_once() /etc/freepbx.conf:9

 12. include_once() /var/lib/asterisk/bin/fwconsole:12

Exception: Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class 'Userman'A required module might be disabled or uninstalled. Recommended steps (run from the CLI): 1) fwconsole ma install userman 2) fwconsole ma enable userman in file /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php on line 216

Stack trace:

  1. Exception->() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:216

  2. FreePBX\Self_Helper->loadObject() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:104

  3. FreePBX\Self_Helper->autoLoad() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:37

  4. FreePBX\Self_Helper->__get() /var/www/html/admin/modules/faxpro/Faxpro.class.php:18

  5. FreePBX\modules\Faxpro->__construct() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:125

  6. FreePBX\Self_Helper->autoLoad() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/Self_Helper.class.php:37

  7. FreePBX\Self_Helper->__get() /var/www/html/admin/libraries/BMO/FreePBX.class.php:106

  8. FreePBX->__callStatic() /var/www/html/admin/modules/faxpro/functions.inc.php:6

  9. FreePBX->Faxpro() /var/www/html/admin/modules/faxpro/functions.inc.php:6

 10. require_once() /var/www/html/admin/bootstrap.php:369

 11. require_once() /etc/freepbx.conf:9

 12. include_once() /var/lib/asterisk/bin/fwconsole:12

With the above error, I did a Google search and quickly found the solution. The solution can be found in the following discussion thread:

Reference: Unable to locate the FreePBX BMO Class ‘Userman’A

Link: https://community.freepbx.org/t/unable-to-locate-the-freepbx-bmo-class-usermana/70044/5

The Linux commands which I executed to solve the above problem are:

# cd /var/www/html/admin/modules

# mv faxpro/ faxpro.bak

# reboot

# fwconsole ma install userman

# fwconsole ma enable userman

Mr. Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming, 43 years old as of 15 June 2021, is a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL living in Singapore. He is an IT Consultant with a System Integrator (SI)/computer firm in Singapore. He is an IT enthusiast.



[1] http://lists.digium.com/pipermail/asterisk-users/2021-June/295846.html
