Facebook post by Lim Tean

For The Sake Of Your Future And Your Next Generation’s, Do Not Support Politicians Who Support CECA #abolishCECA

Singapore was already a rising financial center in the 80s and 90s. If my memory serves me correct, we ranked only after Tokyo and Hong Kong In importance even in those days. 

So yes I am incensed when this PAP Government tells us that we do not have enough talent in banking and we have to allow large numbers of foreigners to come in and take up the plum jobs in the banking and financial sectors. I have seen pictures of whole departments of banks in Singapore being dominated by people who originate from one foreign country. 

What has the government been doing for the last 30 years to groom our Singaporean talent to fill the TOP jobs in banking and finance? 

I find it incredulous also when industry figures can put up a straight face and want us to believe that the TOP Bankers in the world happen to originate from that country. My common sense tells me that is nonsense when that country is not even a financial powerhouse. 

Let me make this clear-a PV Government will never allow this state of affairs to continue. We will ensure that TOP Singapore Bankers are groomed so that they can take over the TOP positions. And we will see whether banks really do leave Singapore! 

I don’t believe the Singapore talent is any inferior to the Indian talent, and it is a fake argument to suggest banks in Singapore will leave if they have to hire Singaporeans to manage their affairs in our country. To me such a fallacious argument is tantamount to selling snakeoil.

I want to assure Christopher Chia, whose comment below has attracted much support, that a PV Government will Ensure that Singaporeans and the children of Singaporeans will get the best jobs in banking and finance in our country!

Chia Christopher:- 

“A picture tells a thousand word.Both my neighbors on the right and the left at 8 St Thomas condominium at River Valley Road were Indian Nationals who hold executive position in the Financial sector. One of them already a PR (both husband, wife and even their 2 children) and the other an Executive Pass. Both of them make more than $50,000 a month.

The family of PRs were given their residential status when they were only in SG for less than 6 months. 5 to 6 figures salary for foreigners while some of our University graduates forced to become hawkers and grab food riders. To date, the government refused to answer why our Unis aren't comparable to those University in India that so many highly educated locals are displaced in their career. Sigh...”

We Must Regain Our Country, Our Dignity, Our Future!


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